Tuesday, January 29, 2013

4A Update!

I feel like I should update this a bit... for anyone wondering lol! if i had to say one thing to describe my 4A term thus far i feel like i would have to, unfortunately, use the word "busy".... i feel like i've been working MORE OR LESS non-stop with the exception of some days which i take as breaks but i think this is the most hardworking i've been EVER in university. that being said i think i have somewhat better time management now. I also mentioned to some people  that i really wanted to develop goals over the term but ... that PARTIALLY failed. mostly because i have no time to just sit down and think.. or im procrastinating on it but here's what i generally wanted...

1. TO BE HARDWORKING. i guess that's kind of accomplished haha im taking 6 courses so actually surprisingly busy and with jobmine too!! im actually super freaked out for it but im continually reminding myself to place my trust in God. I know sometimes it's kind of awkward when everyone has interviews and stuff... and i dont but i think that's jsut self-pride kicking in and wanting not to "lose face" in front of peers and stuff... but God has actually been so amazing in placing me somewhere each term (cause i never get a lot of interview/offers) so i pray He will work again this term, remind myself that even if it's not what i want, that God can be glorified and that He may be calling me TO that coop place for a reason! i guess this topic is no longer about being hardworking ahaha 

2. to meet and serve the younger years! since i wasn't here the previous term i really want to meet the froshies!! it's kind of hard during ccf but maybe that's cause im not making enough effort but i hope other avenues open up for me to be able to meet and get to know the frosh/2nd years better :) 

3. DG! i just found out who my dg mates are and i hope i can serve them and truly be a sister in Christ to them. i shall go email them right now!

anyway i also signed up for a God and reason course and also sword (apparently lol) but i hope im not over committing. i rly feel quite busy all the time. and on top of this i really need to spend more personal time with God as well so I hope i can better manage my time!! this is maybe the most spontaneous and messy blog i've ever written.................. T_T yahhhhhhhh