Tuesday, September 29, 2009

windy and wet =(

waterloo weather is kinda terrible. and i'm pretty sure it's only going to get worse =( walking to class ALREADY feels lk a journey so walking in the snow and everything will only be worse >_< i guess it doesn't help that i'm sick and i don't feel lk movin =( just want to sleep! but things are coming up and i have to write that 8 page paper about what the environment is >____> booo. but i guess other than that i'm having fun learning to break from prooos and clubs and stuff =D

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Hi, I'm ________. What's your name?"

Interestingly i think i'm meeting much more people in the first week of school than i did during orientation week. and by meeting i mean in the sense where i meet them and will probably see them again and not just the 5 minute hello and then forget their names in an hour... Anyway my point is i've met a bunch of people this week and things have been pretty good. have to figure out how to work UWACE and to figure out what i have to read. sometimes i find it hard to keep track of what i have to do since there's no real work but i just sort of want to look over stuff or study.. i just hope that i can make the friendships i have now grow more esp since a lot of the people are in my program and also in coop. i realize a lot of people went back to toronto this weekend and it was slightly more lonely this weekend in loo. spent a lot more time in my room than i usually do... but i'ts okay used time to catch up on reading.. but i really wanted to go to the mall though!

i also went to ccf which was pretty fun the first time i guess but i think it'll get better once we start connecting with other people there. and i will prob join intramural ultimate :D so that will be fun. and i've also started breaking again. it's a looot better when you have people teaching you. although a lot of the times i feel really embarassed because they're like watchign you suck... but i guess that's how you learn! and the people there were pretty nice. met shimmycocopuffs!! OMG lol but i'm excited for clubs day i really want to get involved and stuff and make use of allll my free time =D

Friday, September 11, 2009


haven't had much time to blog recently and stuff because of a lot of frosh activities as well as just going out a lot with school friends. so i've probably spent a total of about 1-2 hours in my room (not counting sleeping time). i guess frosh week has been okay. nothing amazingly fun but there are many highlights! I haven't met a lot of people really closely or anything but I have met some cool people and ill say hi to them and stuff i guess. no one that i'm going out of my way to meet up with and stuff. though maybe i should but i guess i'm comfortable with the UTS crew i suppose. i'm starting to look forward to classes actually haha i hope my classes are good! met a lot of planning people =D and they seem really nice. so does my roomie. so i guess it'll just take some time to get to know people more and stuff... YUP that's about it. i'm tired =(

but the water water water loo loo loo thing is really stuck in my head haha