Sunday, August 31, 2008

sleeeepless night

it was absolutely terrible. i went to bed at 4:30-ish AM and then could not sleep for about an hour so i got up and read some reminiscent stuff and that was both good and bad lol then before i knew it the sun was up and i was lk oh dang.... so it's 6:30 AM and i try to go sleep but can't so i decide to turn on the computer and watch two eps of my canto drama SO GOOD btw then i try to sleep again but STILL can't so i play around on laptop some more then i think i managed to get 3-4 hours of sleep in because i wake up a little before 1 pm and then i get ready to go out and stuff =D and SOFTBALL BANQUET!! woot that was fun =)dressing up, making food, playing pingpong, handing out certificates etc. GOOD TIMES =( too bad it's ovaaaar. anyways terrible sleeping schedule... must be because of the previous day where i slept from 3 AM to 4 PM >__<

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

lovely lovely summer 我愛夏天!

so i don't really have anything to blog about recently but i've been very up and about having tons of fun before my summer is over =)
on wed i went to yorkdale with wendy, angela, mel, esther and jacky... pimppp and i wasn't supposed to buy anything but i bought a scarf =( bad self control.. then we ate at pickle barrel and it was good =D
today i went to pmall to hang with andy before he leaves for uni! and we took sticker pics and played some pool =D i won 2/4 games! that's prettttyy good but i got a handicap lol but for the last one i said no handicaps and i only lost by 2 balls =D NOT BAD for someone who doesnt' play too often ^^
then i bused over to empress where i met ryan and we chilled a bit before we went to watch BATMAN. looong movie and really scary... joker... but quite awesome as well =P and yah we walked back to finch and we passed tim's cafe! and apparently tim was there.... but he didn't look like tim at all. oh well that's my day ^^

Saturday, August 23, 2008


our season ended today =) but i don't think anyone was really sad about it, which is good =) i think we had a really fun season with a lot of absences from ppl haha but the time hanging and chilling was good. i made my one big catch this season in the playoff game haha oh and howard came back from his china mission! he got to go to the olympics!! lucky~ i'm sad the season is over though because no more post-game/practice dinners and random events (like bowling haha) i will miss it very much! =( but team banquet coming up ^^ YAH GO SOLDIERS AA-OOE

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

biggest disappointment of summer EVER

I have waited all summer for August 23rd 2008 because it is the time and date of BOTY Canada 2008. I WAS SO EXCITED and wanted to go see it so badly because i missed the one in Korea... it seems actually super awesome just cause i love to watch breaking and i guess just being in that atmosphere would be cool even if they're not as good... meanwhile...

Soldiers has been having an amazing season and despite handing in a score sheet late and getting a win turned into a loss, we still made it to playoffs =D lucky us! i'm super happy because this means i still get to play despite having the August 9th game cancelled.

HOWEVER these two events decided to happen on the SAME DAY *cries* IM A LITTLE DEPRESSED that i have to make these choices all the time... but i guess it's a blessing that i even get to do these things. =( boo.. but i guess i got to stay dedicated to my team even though i might actually be doing worst for the team... i'm sure canadian breakdancers are not as amazing and i might not be as amazed but it'd still be cool to watch a REAL battle =( haiz

Saturday, August 9, 2008


after stepping out of the airport and into the pick-up zone i already began to miss HK and to note all the "weird" thing i was not used to...

- not everyone spoke chinese
- chinese ppl weren't speaking chinese haha this was strangely especially weird
- there were lots of non-chineses ppl >__< i guess in hk there are just chinese ppl EVERYWHERE
- it was cold =( i was actually COLD outside :\
- toronto is really flat.. no hills/mountains
- ppl weren't honking at each other like mad when cars got traffic jammy

but i guess i'm glad to be home. sleeping in my own bed was amazing as well as walking on carpeted floor. still haven't seen my dog =( unpacking is quite hard... i remember a month ago when i was worrying to people and being really sad that i'm leaving for a month... and now i miss HK a lot but i think once i see my friends i'll slowly not miss HK as much =)i've got a lot coming up this week!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

HK is getting owned by a typhoon haha

Well not so much anymore but this morning a Level 8 Typhoon Warning was issued... and it's out of levels 1, 3, or 8... so i guess it was quite bad. Most of the buses and all trams had stopped. Subway was still running and everyone was advised to stay indoors haha this was hugely disappointing as i was supposed to go to Ocean Park today and it's my 2nd last day so ofcourse i would want to use it to the fullest but all i did was stay home... oh well. at least i can say i experienced some typical HK life haha though the streets weren't flooded or anything. I hope I do get home on time though cause i want to see the opening to the Olympics! Now the typhoon is only a level 3 and hopefully tomorrow will be not TOO rainy so I can go to OCEAN PARK <3

Monday, August 4, 2008

hk is gundam looooove

i went to this animation, comics, and gaming HK 2008 convention which was totally packed with people and like broke some record for most people thing and it was AMAZINGGGGGG not only did i see some celebrities, get to buy nice fan art, get a "kimono", but i also saw a TON of gundams... pretty beautiful gundams. SO MANY. it was basically like Anime North with a smaller venue (they had not hotels or other places to go to), less cosplayers but perhaps some of the cosplayers were better and more in character <-- this makes it slightly weirder though..., more gundams!!!, and better performances (celebs), and CHEAPER. two fan art things from advent children for only about 4 dollars canadian. about like regular page size but STILL... yah fo serious!!! <3 definitely a high light!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

HK is a different place, but apparently I am still me

Though HK may be a 15-hour flight from my Toronto home I still cannot escape the hardships that have continued to be a part of my life. I think there's really too much on my mind to really rant about them all, plus they are a complete jumble in my mind right now. I suppose I'm still just consistently looking for someone who will be the perfect friend and comfort for me especially in these tough times when i feel like i don't really have anyone. And then I realize I am a completele idiot for not realizing/remembering the One who is ALWAYS just ALWAYS there. I could apologize forever and it would still not cover all the wrong i've done but good thing God is loving and forgiving. I've been trying hard to get on track and i was doing amazing after TC and even a long time after TC but then suddenly one thing happened after another and by the start of summer i felt like everything had changed and i lost a lot. I guess people will never be exactly who you want them to be (including myself) but I should just be grateful for their existence. As far as I know these people read my blog sometimes...

ELENA - i know i don't know you too well like on the personal level but thank you for just even wanting to know me =) i honestly LOVE that we are on the softball team together this year. ROVERS! ;) you are one of the reasons i love being a part of soldiers =D i really love all you guys!!

OSCIE - yah you are pretty awesome though sometimes i know i can be really moody with you. thanks for staying on late a lot so i can just kind of go on ranting forever when i dont' know how to express myself so i send like a bajillion msgs but i guess it helps that you actually stay up so late =P You and Jo really mean a lot to me and though you may sometimes make the -___-" face which makes me so frustrated lol thank you for trying to stop. i'm glad you also decided to stop killing the convos.... =P

SISI - not sure if you will read this =( but please come back/msg me/send me emails! i really miss you soooo much!!! i want to hear from you!! fiiiiind me <3

I guess what i need to do is fully rely on God first and just give these things up to Him. He can definitely carry these burdens much better than i can... plus i am really weak.. haha and i guess i'm also hoping for closer relationships to people but those take time. so PATIENCE =) anyway 6 more days and i'm coming back to TORONTO. i miss all you guys i reallyyy do.

You are amazing, God!

HK is canto dramas!!

i never thought this would happen but i'm actually interested in a Cantonese drama... that is really rare because i usually find them incredibly boring but this one has been so good! there's only been about 5 episodes so far so that's good so i can catch up by watching the first few on youtube. It's called moonlight resonance and it's like "heart of greed 2" but not really the same plot or something haha. i have no idea what heart of greed is ofcourse since i do not watch cantonese dramas but yeah apparently it was quite popular...