Monday, August 23, 2010

last game!

so today was the last game of our regular season this year =) and although we lost i still had a lot of fun. i think it was cause i knew the umps, knew some ppl on the team, got to play a diff position, and knew a lot of other people that were also there. i guess it was one of those good social days haha and so even though we were losing everyone being there just made it fun! saw some people i haven't seen in awhileee and just seeing them made me happy =D and lotsa laughs and had a goood team dinner afterwards! aaaaaand i ended the game =( i hate when that happens cause i feel so bad but then i think about when other people end games and no one ever accuses them or anything lol but i just feel bad also cause i ended the inning by hitting jon >_< lol but he can tank it. sooo ended off the day by playing some BRAWL haha

but some goood fellowshipping today =D really felt the LOOOOVE

4 comments: said...

haha yo, no worries. i ended my last game too except with a pop fly -_-. i felt terrrrible. i knwo how you feel :)

crazybear-3 said...
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crazybear-3 said...

LOL oh noes! sok at least we HIT the ball =P

Jellobean said...

yayyyyz for soldiers! it's ok, i ended the game once before too!!! but no one really notices i think >< hehehe