Tuesday, April 21, 2009

strong strong like a soldier~

so things have been pretty okay. i completely pwned math quiz woots. oh as well as physics. and i have soma to look forward to = missing lots of school! bbt night this friday and super worried about forgetting lines and stuff but i hope it'll be good somehow :) frisbee is also starting and it makes me happy when i exercise ^^ reversing all the effects of late night icecreammm.

things on my mind? just waiting for assignments and summatives to get them over with... i'm actually so anticipating the future. sometimes i feel like i need a huge fresh start. it's not that i'm getting bored or anything maybe... more like i like to meet people? idunno haha either way i'm anxious. i do kind of wish i was more in touch with some people and just talked more. i realize that would mean running tons of msn convos at once and it would be terribly hard to keep track. but i realize there are some friendships that could've carried on better and stuff.. but there's always time to build that back up :)

another thing on my mind is formal i guess. aka prom .. the fact that this night hardly means anything to me makes me feel stupid for stressing about a date. idunno people might interpret this as bitterness because of my frustration with not having a date.... but idunno. i want to be a person that is strong and confident enough in myself to not feel self-concious without a date. but ofcourse i am not like that... but i've talked to some people. and they're just like it's cool and i hope it's cool... >__>

ANOTHER thing. money i suppose. i'm kind of poor.. and then everytime i spend i'm kind of like. oh crud.. i shouldn't be. but then it's not working harder = more money anymore since i think i will get 2000 scholarship. and i can't just go get a job because no one has hired me yet =( booo. i would work lk crap conditions i don't care!! =( i want to work hard so my parents don't have to worry as much T_T but i fail... i guess work hard in uni to try to get best coop jobs and earn more moneys >_<

1 comment:

Kevin Ly said...

dates arnt important you're probably too awesome for a date anyways and plus if you get a date everyone will be so jealous xD haha so its prob better not to =) i dont have a date either because of complications and cause i suk LOLS but thats ok =D just have fun!