fri: baptisms! listening to junior worship team practice for bbt night! getting a ride home just at the right time (God DOES provide!), walking in through the back to joon's tofu then bowing to waiters ^^ and they said zai jian ahahah, got home and walked dog~, got picked up by some g's and went to fmp and ate in the foodcourt ^^ good talk haha
sat: met up with crystal and vaughn mills and took long time shopping and walking the whole mall :) didn't buy anything though so fairly happy but i just like to shop and look anyways. super tired though =(
sun: church, then back to joon's tofu, good food good chat, bus to pmall...bus super late... phil freezing in his t-shirt... aly and i still freezing in our coats. huge accident on steeles >__<, met esther at pmall and lots of window-shopping and didn't buy anything! though i did want to =( tried new yogurt thing tho: personalized yogurt haha it was aites
mon: went to volunteer early in the morning... filed for 3 hours haha T_T bussed around handing in TWO resumes ^^ please hire me peopleee. then went home and went out to eat thai food and tenrens! good times haha and now here... time to watch my cop drama!!
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