Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hk #7

well today is one of those slower days and i get a lot more time to think about things. but i really like these days and i feel so at home sometimes on these slower days =) it's awesome to have times like yesterday where you have so much fun that you're super tired but at the same time it's great to have these days where i can slow down and take things in easily without the rush of everything going on.

i think i'm going to go near the water again today =) central piers? i actually really just want to go bus to the beach again but that's prob...not the best idea right now. i absolutely love the sea-side feeling!! it's strange =D i hope people don't think i'm emo or something. but i feel lk there's so much stuff in my heart now that i need to ... let it out =) in a good way tho! give things up to God and work on those devos!!

i am really happy today. someone i haven't talked to for a veeery long time because i'm scared he's upset at me because he's bad at replying on msn and playing games (lol) messaged me and said that we should catch up and i'm so happy to hear that from him because i very much missed him and hope he is doing well! and i'm talking more to another friend of mine more who i also didn't talk to for a very long time. i think it's because he was also upset at me O_o wow ... gg i suck lol but yesss thank goodness because through God's love these bad feelings can be overcome! ugh i think back on so many of these friends that i used to have and i'm so upset at myself for how things turned out. it's not that it was always my fault per say but i am disappointed that i could not reconcile these broken relationships and i had to lose such good people... but i know God is still watching over them! so =) hope they are doing well...

well that was kinda.. not what i intended to blog about but i guess it came out haha now you know a bit more about my deepest darkest secrets... dumdumdum

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