finally second post. i'm always too lazy or tired to write about everything cause usually a lot goes on but i'm too tired to talk about what i did day by day.
anyways if anyone cares for an update =P i've just been going out with mostly ccf people and on the days that i don't have plans i do a solo shopping day and buy stuff =) slowly checking off my list but no hitops still! =(
so far i've gone to church twice (i.e. on sundays) here in hong kong and both times i've been to the vine. i guess it's easy to get caught up in a vacation to forget about devos or find time to slow down especially in such a fast-paced city like hong kong so sundays really kinda brought me "back down to earth" in a sense. the first sunday really brought me to tears even before the service began >_< they played a video about the need for God in hk and a lot of it showed the poverty and the hard work of the people idunno made me so sad =( and i really do pray that God will work miracles here! the vine is actually expanding and they are even moving to a new location becuase their current one is too small :D so yaaay growing numbers. the second week i went with michelle =D and this time it made me cry because the speaker was talking a lot about fatherly love. and he gave an illustration with his daughter.. saying that although she may wrong him or disobey him or even yell to him taht she doens't love her but regardless of that he will always still love her. that he would never turn her back on her because she did to him. and that's just humanly fatherly love ... we cannot even fathom a GODLY fatherly love and how ..GREAT how WIDE it is haha i can't even find words to describe that it is really indescribable! but yah it really made me think about friends and just personal relations with other people that i get really discouraged when i feel like they don't "love" me or they dont' care about me.. but i shouldn't just be like okay you don't like me so i give up .. NEVAR that's not really (hk haha)so yaaay
also had good dinner with kristina and michelle! talked about family and hong kong stuff .. interesting sharings =D aaah i love hong kong i'm going to miss it a looot. it's prob my favourite city. today it rained quite hard at one point and then when i got home and looked out the window it still looks BEAUUUTIFUL. esp the sea+boats and i love the warmth =D but i dooo miss toronto.. more for the people though. got a lot on my mind though, so i hope i can lift those things into God's hands and have faith that He can take care of it :D
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