Monday, January 5, 2009

starting off the year with 3 bad weeks

Well i came up with several some-what vague new year's resolutions...

- Be more organized…
not working out that well right now haha but I"M TRYING. i think this ties in a lot with prioritizing well
- Don’t be so lazy
work work work! don't put things off and especially don't sit around doing nothing if you have something better to do =( this will be hard
- Develop a better relationship with God and with brothers&sisters in Christ
I REALLY NEED TO WORK WITH THIS. i remember when i had a wonderful relationship with God and i was very close with brothers and sisters in Christ but that has ... disappeared. i want to get that spiritual motivation back!
- Don’t rely so heavily on technology aka get off the computer
I really need to stop being on the computer from right when i get home to when i sleep...
and speaking of sleep i actually need to do this.. and not stay awake because i think i will do something fun but i never actually do anything fun...
- Fix up relationships with people
fix or improve.. or reinitiate. i have a lot of broken, failing, and cut off friendships that i would like to take care of better
- Carry through with things I start
STOP GIVING UP/QUITTING when i suck. this will be harddd

I guess i have a lot of frustration to vent too and that's because of the 3 weeks that's coming up. University decisions scare me to death... i have applied.... but i don't really know what's going to happen, so i'll be hoping for the est but.. i'm really glad i submitted everything and dont' have to worry about that.
WORK is terrible... math test this week, math exam next week, physics question due (and i don't understand physics T__T), ENG DOCUMENTARY is going to kill me... 1.5 weeks is not really enough =( and it's my own fault for procrastinating.. so i'm really scared for that
THE SHOW maybe i overdid it with things this year but there are going to be a lot of coinciding practices between Street and Hiphop and i don't know which one to choose (prob street cause it's more fun) but i got totally owned today and am a bit traumatized =( NO FEARRR but even just having so many practices is so tiring... and i really have to get the invert DOWNNN. and then FRONT OF HOUSE IS SO UNORGANIZED. it's just all over the place and connie and i have to do a budget thing by Wed?!?! just out of nowhere... should've given us more notice and the design is kind of over the top..? =S but MASS STRESS WITH THIS. i don't want the 23/24 to come T__T
TWIG this wouldn't have been so bad if the deadline wasn't at the same time as all the other things but it is so terribly annoying for me and for club exec when they don't reply to my emails asking for their information then i have to send them MORE emails and check and make sure WHOS" INFO I HAVE AND WHO'S I DON'T arghh and some exec are just so unresponsive.. and some clubs haven't even HAD meetings.. bleh
MY BIRTHDAY i don't know if this is something to look forward to or not. everyone is always busy during this time and it's not very fun staying at school til 9/10 at night...AGAIN... for the past 2 years as well... >__< so lame

there are things to look forward to as well =P actually not THAT much to look forward to but um they are good things :) chinese new year celebration at rogers centre/maybe jeff chang concert with dwang RIGHT AFTER CULTURE SHOW (it's too bad i'm missing fama, hins, and fir...), more hang time with klee hehe, more poutineee eating, and just looking forward to this being ALL OVER. yay i know i will miss street though XD

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