Friday, December 10, 2010

ENVS200: Ecology

so i have been forced to take this ecology course this term and it has tons and tons of readings and learning some pretty cool things about nature and ecology and my knowledge grew! and all these things just point me to how great God truly is! all these webs and interactions that work our perfectly.... it blows my mind. just toooo perfect! even though ecosystems are complex and hard to understand and each one is contextual.. they all work out in a finely tuned balance that seems too good to be just random. If we take stats into account, we could say that the p-value that what we observed in the world is just part of random chance is very small! or that the observed data is significant enough to say that it isn't just random... well just from what i learnt in ecology anyway =P

(my ecology and stats exams are on two consecutive days - my studying has partially paid off haha but i really struggled with explaining the p-value.. gotta work harder!)

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