Friday, September 24, 2010

troubling week

this has no doubt been a rollercoaster of a week! does it show? :P thanks dt for asking me bout ma post :) here's another one of those..

i feel so not at ease right now. i guess troubled could describe it. i'm so ... upset i guess because i just don't understand. i feel lk i've been fed a lot of lies. kinda what phil said before about how someone told lies just to make other people happy. whether they really are like that or not it feels like they are lies T_T it feels lk those things aren't true anymore. i don't know =( my perception of many things has changed. is this what he felt like last year? i feel like everything serious is covered by jokes...i don't even understand the dynamics of it allll.. i feel like i should just let him go on his own way sorta thing... but then i can't because i worry too =\ confirmed by what happened tonight.

well i guess that was a vague yet obvious post. God help me to understand him and please guide me to do what You would... =(

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