Sunday, September 19, 2010

partying at Western?

no, not really. mostly just sitting >_< idunnno "partying" was a very interesting experience... i felt like i witnessed/experienced a really strange situation (?) and i'm still kind of confused as to what i'm taking away from this but maybe as i write this blog it'll becme a bit clearer... and YOU CAN SEE.. i'm still up at this late hour with church the next day because of this party -_-"

anyways it was like their house warming party but i knew one of the housemates isn't really into that partying stuff and she felt she had to stay because it was a houuuse party.. so i thought that i would stay as well and hopefully make it easier on here. i had the option of going back to a bonfire thing but i'm glad that i ended up staying! for the most part a bunch of the not-so-into-partying people were just sitting around and laughing/talking but it was kinda boring and as it got later it got more tiring as well... and idunno some people were really out of it.. and one guy felt very sick and was taking up the washroom with the shower so none of us people who wanted to go to bed COULD shower. but as most people left the party and started to clear out i felt very bad for that one girl >_< so i helped them clean up in hopes that we could all just go to bed already and both of us had to wake up and. and this really brought back something i was discussing this week about not doing things for acknowledgement but in humility and joy! so i'm glad i got to put what i was reminded to do into USE! but ... well we are still up but i think i can sleep soon.... T_T but they all went out to mcdonalds so i hope they get back. i don't even know WHERE i am sleeping.... but i'm glad no one was like WOW YOU"RE NOT COOL FOR NOT DRINKING. kind of thing though i did get a couple of those "condescending 'you go to loo?'/'loo parties are lame' type remarks" as well as "you haven't had anything? but you need the western experience!" >_> hai! i LOVE the kind of parties i have at loo =) the ones where you don't need mass amounts of alcohol to have fun ^^

PS found my watcard and keys :) yes! thank you GOD!

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