For a sec I really felt like Bilbo Baggins about to write out my entire journey these past 4 months. I'm kind of on a high from Hobbit/LOTR so it's been on my mind ahah. Anyway I figured I should really blog about my time that I spent in Ottawa during my co-op term there. In some ways it feels like I came back from a missions trip or something because usually when people do return from those, they have a lot to share! And I guess I learnt a lot... way more than expected so praise God for working so mightily in Ottawa the past term :D I don't even know where to begin... and I get lazier and lazier as I blog... so we'll see how much I get through but here goes!!
So if I had to sum up the term ... I'd probably say that "God is good". I know that's pretty vague and generic but I honestly feel that at the end of this term my feelings are summed up with praise for God for how He has taught me, led me, used me, and blessed me.
God has revealed so much of Himself to me and I've learnt so much through fellowship, church, experiences, sharing, other sisters, etc. I made a list so I wouldn't forget. He's taught me more of what it means to be faithful to God, reminded me of life outside my Christian bubble, helping me step outside of my comfort zone, showed me the mighty power in prayer, how to be intentional, how to be humble and humbling me, grown my heart for witnessing to those around me, how to be like-minded and striving for the same goal in unity, and so much!
I truly believe God has been with me during my time in Ottawa. At our girls' sleepover we read about Esther... and how God's name was not even mentioned in the book but yet his presence and His hand in all the events are so apparent. Similarly so God's presence was strongly felt and I felt as if He truly was leading me through the trials, the learning, the good times, and ofcourse the not as good times.
This term I had many opportunities to share with my non-Christian friends about what Christianity is, what is church, what is fellowship, and hearing what their concept of Church was. I did spend a lot of time with them so had opportunities to share more of what I believed in to them and I really hope that a seed has been planted, or watered, or tended to! And that someday they too may be able to see the light!
Cannot even begin to list all the blessings cause the list would go on foreverrrrr. Ottawa was pretty amazing and I connected so well to the fellowship and the church I attended because I was intentional and they were welcoming. I don't think I've ever experienced that connection to this extent. So ACF, OCAC, Elijah, Girl's prayer group were all such HUGE blessings...
I guess that's mostly my term summed up though there's waaaaaay more to say haha ofcourse the friendships made, Ottawa as a city is great too, the sketchy house I lived in... I will really miss Ottawa and I do right now but Toronto is good and Im glad to be home and then off to Loo soon! Praise God for that too :D
YAYY!!!!! :D i guess i should get going on my term reflection too ahaha...
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