Tuesday, June 24, 2008

2:21 in the morning

so it's is 2:22 am now and i don't want to sleep for some reason. i guess a lot of things are still going through my head in this time of mass confusion about everything... i've been giving a lot of thought to how i present myself to people around me and how i act. and i realize i act like... an idiot. Like i probably give off the vibe that i'm a really dumb simple and teasable person. I guess that's not all bad. the simple part sounds alright but other than that i guess i want to be a bit more dignified in the way people see me... i don't want ppl to just think i'm stupid but maybe respect and appreciate who i am... i don't know i want to be seen as a nice cheerful kind of person but recently it's been a little hard. It's hard to seem happy and stuff when you're around a group of people where you feel like you don't really belong and slightly left out.

i'm not really sure what to think anymore >____<

1 comment:

Elena said...

salina, you will always belong in my heart :)
