現在我想寫中文。我不知道寫什麽。。。 很多人都去香港玩但我不可以去 =( 我很想買新的手機>_> 二零零九年我朋友和我一起可能會去因爲下個年我們去大學了。我可以買很多可愛的東西! 我也可以買我喜歡的音樂。但很多的歌手是日本人還是韓國人。我不知道在香港會不會有。
現在我不需要上課。 我很開心!每天我可以看電視, 玩電腦,休息,同做什麽我想。 每早上我很夜起床。 我不會吃早飯。。。 是因爲是一點hahah >< 在我需要上課我不知道我可不可以起床了>< 我只有多八日。。。
在這個"blog" 我只可以寫很小的字。因爲我不識寫很多。。。 也需要看我張紙(有我認得的字)。今的假日(這的字我用電腦尋)我的工課是學習我的中文!
english note: oh my goodness! haha i'm proud of myself and at the same time a little disappointed that i can't say much haha 我對自己說加油!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
merry christmas! :)
it's christmas time again! lol today was actually one of the most boring days of my life... but i got two gundams for christmas ahah so i built one and i think i did a pretty bad job lol i screwed up so many times :( but the gundam still looks quite purty =)
there was also something going on at church today =( and i had no idea. but i definitely would've gone ... better than sleeping in lol. i hope this Christmas people have got to experience the love of others because i think i definitely felt it these past few days :) through things like Jon's christmas party. it just made me see how generous and loving people are at christmas and i was so grateful for Jon and his parents for preparing that amazing meal. it was absolutely yummy lol also at brian's baptism sleepover/day of.. thingy. i was just so grateful for the time i spent with the people there and even though this sounds lame it really touched my heart =) even though it was super awkward at times ahah. and of course can't forget to thank our Almighty God who is the One who blesses us with all these wonderful gifts and especially the birth of Our Saviour =) so most importantly I think is to forever thank God for everything that He is continually giving us :D and maybe it just becomes most apparent at times like Christmas and stuff :) i don't know lol but have an amazing Christmas everyone!
there was also something going on at church today =( and i had no idea. but i definitely would've gone ... better than sleeping in lol. i hope this Christmas people have got to experience the love of others because i think i definitely felt it these past few days :) through things like Jon's christmas party. it just made me see how generous and loving people are at christmas and i was so grateful for Jon and his parents for preparing that amazing meal. it was absolutely yummy lol also at brian's baptism sleepover/day of.. thingy. i was just so grateful for the time i spent with the people there and even though this sounds lame it really touched my heart =) even though it was super awkward at times ahah. and of course can't forget to thank our Almighty God who is the One who blesses us with all these wonderful gifts and especially the birth of Our Saviour =) so most importantly I think is to forever thank God for everything that He is continually giving us :D and maybe it just becomes most apparent at times like Christmas and stuff :) i don't know lol but have an amazing Christmas everyone!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
christmas giving
it is better to give than to receive! except it kind of sucks when you don't receive. except i mean this in the sense of receiving back not in material terms but more in terms of thanks. story goes: i have a bunch of guy friends that i have known since about grade 8ish (F2) and they can be a bit awkward but through the years, i've gotten to know some of them quite a bit and sometimes have somewhat deep conversations (these guys are like the type of guys that kind of stay in their own group of guys and mingle not so much with girls ahah....) anywho. since this is the 2nd last year of the UTS journey i suppose... i thought i would be nice to give them something because i actually really appreciate their friendship because they are just so jokes and when i am sad their lame jokes will make me smile ^^ (sounds kind of lame haha) it's just fun to "chill" with them because it just makes things very carefree (like work, since they don't seem to care too much about work) ahah... anyways i just bought some candy and stuff and wrapped it in cellophane/tissue paper and gave it to them and hopefully they liked it :)
it was very awkward actually to give it to them lol. i didn't really know what to say! so i was just like "here!" >_> yah... okay. and some of them were kind of surprised and it was kind of funny ahahah (Jeff Yu: WHAT SERIOUSLY FOR ME?!) and most of them said thank you... and i guess this is the part that is bothering me... it's actually very hard for me to pinpoint right now what i am feeling but it's kind of like... i obviously want them to like the gift and i def. do not expect anything back. which is fine cause i know those guys aren't really into the trading gifts thing. i guess i just want them to like it and i want to know that they do... so when they don't really say thank you or don't be say anything at all, i get this reaction: >.< doh... yah i guess that's my little rant of the day =) on the bright side when i got home and stuff Jeff Yu on msn messaged me and said thanks .. again ahah ^^ yayz. have to write candygrams now... dohz
it was very awkward actually to give it to them lol. i didn't really know what to say! so i was just like "here!" >_> yah... okay. and some of them were kind of surprised and it was kind of funny ahahah (Jeff Yu: WHAT SERIOUSLY FOR ME?!) and most of them said thank you... and i guess this is the part that is bothering me... it's actually very hard for me to pinpoint right now what i am feeling but it's kind of like... i obviously want them to like the gift and i def. do not expect anything back. which is fine cause i know those guys aren't really into the trading gifts thing. i guess i just want them to like it and i want to know that they do... so when they don't really say thank you or don't be say anything at all, i get this reaction: >.< doh... yah i guess that's my little rant of the day =) on the bright side when i got home and stuff Jeff Yu on msn messaged me and said thanks .. again ahah ^^ yayz. have to write candygrams now... dohz
Thursday, December 13, 2007
loving the korean love for starcraft <3
it's strange but recently i have been getting into a lot of stuff ... that will really probably distract me from my work all the time.. but it's so awesome :D so i was just randomly browsing the internet and noticed MNet and they came out with a Top 100 must have males: 2007 >_> and i was wondering who was first .. ahah it was rain but anyways go down to like number 96 and it's this guy ...don't remember his korean name but beside it in brackets was like.. (pro-gamer) and i was likE WHOA THAT"S SO PRO so i went and like researched this stuff and asked my sc-knowledgeable friends.... and koreans love starcraft so much that they have at least 2 channels for it... that's so awesome >< i want a starcraft channel teehee. so now recently i've just kind of been watching starcraft battles and these people are so pro ar... makes me want to play starcraft again . aww don't have the program anymore. maybe i should get someone to burn it ^^ lol kay have to sleep ><
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
i <3 gundamz
it was a regular sunday afternoon shopping at smart maple >_> when i saw... the wall lined with different models of gundams. i was drawn to them and reminded of how cool they were :| soooo proooo remembering the days of gundam wing episodes lol... so i got like this cheap 6.99 one and i built it all by myself ^^ and i did the sticker part pretty good =D i'm so happy teehee. well anyways it's about time i actually had a hobby and maybe building model gundams is an answer haha check it outtt

This is the gundam that i really like teehee. i have to wait til i'm better at building gundams so this one turns out nice :) it's called strike rouge.

actually deathscythe, nataku, and blitz are all also really purrrty. and sword impulse i think it's called? teeheee yay gundams

This is the gundam that i really like teehee. i have to wait til i'm better at building gundams so this one turns out nice :) it's called strike rouge.

actually deathscythe, nataku, and blitz are all also really purrrty. and sword impulse i think it's called? teeheee yay gundams
Saturday, December 8, 2007
dear stan
this one is for you mr stanley so. anyways. that was a lot of comments to read lol and i have a lot of replies to them. but as you may have noticed i am super lazy >< SO A NICE BLOG JUST FOR YOU.
1) NOT A STALKER. kay that guy TOLD me all of that information i didn't go facebook him to find out about him!
2) Yah going to keep my hair long :) everyone says i look sophisticated with my glasses aha cause i r awesome ^^ jks. (just awesome-r than youuu)
3) i was joking about number 2
4) i may or may not have passed by boston. but it seemed like a dinky small little place and it was for like 5/10 minutes that we were passing by >< and it was like at 10 at night >_> SORRYZ next time hopefully!
5) THAT ANIME WAS REALLY GOOD (kino's journey go watch plz.. very deep :P)
6) nana... mika nakashima? or that other ito yuna girl? <-- her song was really nice! except i listened to a bunch of her other songs and she sings a loooot of english in them so it got kinda annoying because her english was so good :| i think it's really cute when like azn pplz try to sing english except then they have an accent.
7) YO on that chem test i ended up with like a 95% lolz ^^ ms cescon gave me mark for a question i had absolutely no idea how to do so i wrote down some formula that wasn't even supposed to be used in that question >_> pity marks? ><
8) hope you had a good move la~
9) i can totally tell myself to add oil.. it's called ...self motivation >_>
1) NOT A STALKER. kay that guy TOLD me all of that information i didn't go facebook him to find out about him!
2) Yah going to keep my hair long :) everyone says i look sophisticated with my glasses aha cause i r awesome ^^ jks. (just awesome-r than youuu)
3) i was joking about number 2
4) i may or may not have passed by boston. but it seemed like a dinky small little place and it was for like 5/10 minutes that we were passing by >< and it was like at 10 at night >_> SORRYZ next time hopefully!
5) THAT ANIME WAS REALLY GOOD (kino's journey go watch plz.. very deep :P)
6) nana... mika nakashima? or that other ito yuna girl? <-- her song was really nice! except i listened to a bunch of her other songs and she sings a loooot of english in them so it got kinda annoying because her english was so good :| i think it's really cute when like azn pplz try to sing english except then they have an accent.
7) YO on that chem test i ended up with like a 95% lolz ^^ ms cescon gave me mark for a question i had absolutely no idea how to do so i wrote down some formula that wasn't even supposed to be used in that question >_> pity marks? ><
8) hope you had a good move la~
9) i can totally tell myself to add oil.. it's called ...self motivation >_>
Sunday, December 2, 2007
haha i'm on a bigbang "high". whaa they are so coool >_> i know i sound like a fangirl and if stan reads this he will say "you are a loser" but i just really like their music :| so catchy hehe and their style is pretty cool tooo. for awhile i really wanted to change the blog song to a bigbang song but i never got around to it. but recently i watched "nana" (wha really good movie, EVERYONE WATCH IT) and this song was on it.. SO go listen :) hm i don't really have anything interesting to say.... hm finished snow queen lol quite sad >< starting smiling pasta. ahah the lead girl is sooo annoying >_> but it's pretty cute i guess. mmmm YUP OKAY ><
Thursday, November 22, 2007
azn fail
i azn failed my chem test. i am sure >< i left a question blank and it was worth 3 marks so the most i could get is 47/50 and there is no way i will get perfect on the rest of the test. therefore, azn faillll. and now i must stop thinking about it and study spanishhhh
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
i wish my life was like a drama... or maybe not
something weird is happening to me and it's kind of scary. but maybe it's taken out of context because i like to watch dramas a lot and dramas are, well, dramatic. Getting up to get off the GO train one morning i proceed towards the stairs and after taking that first step, my legs become all wobbly and weak and my descend down the stairs was very unstable. At first i was completely shocked because this has never happened before. Then i thought about it and figured that i was probably just really tired, considering that i can never sleep at night. But i guess thinking about it more now, it's really beginning to scare me. How weak i always feel because of how tired i am plus not being able to walk down just a couple steps of stairs stably has got me concerned about my own wellbeing. It's kind of weird, since i've always wanted my life to be like a drama. Even though you get sick, the extent to which people care for you is amplified (if that is the right word...) and it's one of those things where all this really sad, and somewhat bittersweet stuff happens to the main character. But now that i'm here with such circumstances, i don't know if it's worth it. People would probably think i'm thinking too much and making this thing too big of a deal and scaring myself. and if anyone thinks that, they are probably right.
But this brings me to my next... issue? i have all these feelings inside (i know that sounds incredibly lame) and they're really sad actually. Well they make me sad and i really don't know how to get it out. i know i am always trying to seek comfort or understanding from my friends, but i can't bring myself to express how i really feel about anything. And there are always those things you just can't tell someone (e.g. "i feel sad because you just kept talking to this guy when i wanted to say something") Many times i just want to "break down" and cry because that is probably the easiest way i can just tell the world and have someone realize and care. I suppose it really isn't anyone else's fault because how can i expect them to know if i don't show it. and just to clarify, my friends aren't bad friends, i really love them! but i guess sometimes it's nice when people care without having been called on it to do so.
I know i'm probably just in a really "unhappy" or "emo" mood right now because some things have happened and whatnot and fortunately it'll all blow over by tomorrow. =)"You have to face the rain before you can get the rainbows." or something like that... and i know God is continually walking with me through this so yay God<3! This has probably got to be my deepest post yet.
But this brings me to my next... issue? i have all these feelings inside (i know that sounds incredibly lame) and they're really sad actually. Well they make me sad and i really don't know how to get it out. i know i am always trying to seek comfort or understanding from my friends, but i can't bring myself to express how i really feel about anything. And there are always those things you just can't tell someone (e.g. "i feel sad because you just kept talking to this guy when i wanted to say something") Many times i just want to "break down" and cry because that is probably the easiest way i can just tell the world and have someone realize and care. I suppose it really isn't anyone else's fault because how can i expect them to know if i don't show it. and just to clarify, my friends aren't bad friends, i really love them! but i guess sometimes it's nice when people care without having been called on it to do so.
I know i'm probably just in a really "unhappy" or "emo" mood right now because some things have happened and whatnot and fortunately it'll all blow over by tomorrow. =)"You have to face the rain before you can get the rainbows." or something like that... and i know God is continually walking with me through this so yay God<3! This has probably got to be my deepest post yet.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
i can see!
well today i went to the optometrist and my eyesight is not toooo bad :P but i really need glasses because i sit at the front of the bio classroom and i still can't see the powerpoint too clearly *sighs* anyways. i went to fmp to get some glasses! :)
it was really funny actually. the guy was so casual and like ... "weird/cool" hahah like when i was trying them on he was like...singing to the song that was playing. and since it was so casual my mom was just like "yes my daughter is very low tow" (sound it out) and she said it really loudly so everyone heard >< gosh and i was just like "gosh mommmmyyy you're so mean :(" embarassing!!
anyways these are the glasses i got!

i really hope that i don't look weird and people aren't like... "ew" :( i am so insecure! ahaha >< someone's like "i can't imagine you with thick framed glasses" and someone else says "i think you'd look good" (by just imagining the glasses on my face) SO I DON'T REALLY KNOW. my mom is like "they're good!" but she's mean lol so can't trust her judgment too much! teehee
it was really funny actually. the guy was so casual and like ... "weird/cool" hahah like when i was trying them on he was like...singing to the song that was playing. and since it was so casual my mom was just like "yes my daughter is very low tow" (sound it out) and she said it really loudly so everyone heard >< gosh and i was just like "gosh mommmmyyy you're so mean :(" embarassing!!
anyways these are the glasses i got!

i really hope that i don't look weird and people aren't like... "ew" :( i am so insecure! ahaha >< someone's like "i can't imagine you with thick framed glasses" and someone else says "i think you'd look good" (by just imagining the glasses on my face) SO I DON'T REALLY KNOW. my mom is like "they're good!" but she's mean lol so can't trust her judgment too much! teehee
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
i just read my last post. and i realize i blog about really meaningless things... i was reading kwan's blog and his are so much more "not mo liu" >< couldn't think of any other way to put it. just reading my own post makes me feel like a loser O_o aiyors
well things i accomplished today... i managed to finally reply to everyone's wall post on facebook, finished Kino's journey, filled a USB key with videos from karaoke, and absolutely no work. This is all kind of really sad because my life feels so bland right now! even weekends aren't even too exciting cause it just means you have to take time out of you nice rest time and do work. or maybe i'm just really dumb and lazy =( which i know i am a lot more of this year than last cause all my marks are dropping! and i'm not even one to care that much about marks but since i have two grade 12 science courses on my plate.. it is a bit scary.
well things i accomplished today... i managed to finally reply to everyone's wall post on facebook, finished Kino's journey, filled a USB key with videos from karaoke, and absolutely no work. This is all kind of really sad because my life feels so bland right now! even weekends aren't even too exciting cause it just means you have to take time out of you nice rest time and do work. or maybe i'm just really dumb and lazy =( which i know i am a lot more of this year than last cause all my marks are dropping! and i'm not even one to care that much about marks but since i have two grade 12 science courses on my plate.. it is a bit scary.
Monday, November 12, 2007
it's a small world after all =)
so today i decided to volunteer on mondays instead of on wednesdays at the hospital (optometrist appointment this wednesday!) and i meet these two ppl who are really nice =)
one of them, who works on the monday 4-6 shift in health records is named mackenzie =) she goes to alex mac ahah and she also happens to know a girl from my school through that science DEEP program. aww she is soo sweet! at first i was really not wanting to work with someone else during the shift but today was really fun =) and it's just interesting cause she happens to know people i know :P
THE SECOND ONE.. this one is a bit stranger.. lol i decided to visit john again! (from my old monday 6-8 escort shift) which is the shift mwan is currently on right now :P and i met this guy, jason mak. let's list weird things/parallels >_>
- his brother goes to my school and my brother goes to his school O_o
- our birthdays are both on january 22nd, 1991. THIS WAS THE WEIRDEST THING WHEN I FOUND OUT
- he goes to bayview and used to go to PCA so i know a lot of ppl that he knows
- we were both part of CCSA
so anyways..that's all kind of really strange :P and really fun ahaha lots of laughterr today and making new friends! :P good day ^__^b
one of them, who works on the monday 4-6 shift in health records is named mackenzie =) she goes to alex mac ahah and she also happens to know a girl from my school through that science DEEP program. aww she is soo sweet! at first i was really not wanting to work with someone else during the shift but today was really fun =) and it's just interesting cause she happens to know people i know :P
THE SECOND ONE.. this one is a bit stranger.. lol i decided to visit john again! (from my old monday 6-8 escort shift) which is the shift mwan is currently on right now :P and i met this guy, jason mak. let's list weird things/parallels >_>
- his brother goes to my school and my brother goes to his school O_o
- our birthdays are both on january 22nd, 1991. THIS WAS THE WEIRDEST THING WHEN I FOUND OUT
- he goes to bayview and used to go to PCA so i know a lot of ppl that he knows
- we were both part of CCSA
so anyways..that's all kind of really strange :P and really fun ahaha lots of laughterr today and making new friends! :P good day ^__^b
Sunday, November 11, 2007
back from the states!
well this long weekend my family decided to go take a trip down south a bit to the states to do a bit of shopping :) goshh it was sooo tiring >< i feel like i never want to shop againnnn especially with all those ppl and those lines! and the asian deprivation! On the first day i only saw 1 other asian family. it got better on the second day =P but i just missed the asian environment of living in richmond hill =)
i thought i bought so much stuff but once i got home to sort it all out i realized that i really didn't but that much O_o but it's okay. i guess it was pretty fun cause we weren't planning on staying another night but we ended up staying another night and some what helplessly wandering around buffalo/niagara looking for a place to sleep. it wasn't THAT helpless but in the end we found a motel close to the falls and it was sooo creepy (at first) but it got better. haha i was so scared of those like creepy murder movies at motel stuff... >_> i was planning to blog a lot about my adventure but now that i think about it ... not really exciting lol >< OH WELL
i thought i bought so much stuff but once i got home to sort it all out i realized that i really didn't but that much O_o but it's okay. i guess it was pretty fun cause we weren't planning on staying another night but we ended up staying another night and some what helplessly wandering around buffalo/niagara looking for a place to sleep. it wasn't THAT helpless but in the end we found a motel close to the falls and it was sooo creepy (at first) but it got better. haha i was so scared of those like creepy murder movies at motel stuff... >_> i was planning to blog a lot about my adventure but now that i think about it ... not really exciting lol >< OH WELL
Monday, November 5, 2007
more videos :) this one is really cute! haha it makes me want to smileeee ^__^ not so much liking the video and i SUPPOSE this song could become annoying but 愛你愛你愛你!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
kyuuute song ar~
so i've been posting a lot more recently. and i guess it's due to the fact that i really don't have much to do :) which is such a relief ^___^ i can watch more dramas/animes teehee. i hope i don't get lazy. but this is such a nice break AHHH okay purpose of my post is this really cute song by FIR called 三个心愿 or "three wishes" teehee love it when they say "ok!" enjoy la
FIR- 三个心愿
FIR – san ge xin yuan
Three wishes
Wo xi huan ni de yan shen wen rou you wei xian
I like the look in your eyes, gentle yet dangerous
Qing bu yao dai shang yan jing wo hui kan bu jian
Please don’t wear glasses, I will not be able to see
Xiang yao zhang kai shuang shou ba ni bao bei
Open my hands to hold you, baby
Xiang he ni tian tian jian mian
Want to meet with you everyday
Xiang dai ni huan you shi jie
Want to take you traveling around the world
Wo xi huan ni ai cheng qiang ban ban de xiao lian
I like the way you love to pretend half a smile in your face
Zai xin zhong tai tou ting xiong jian ding de xin nian
Deep at heart holding up a very strong belief
Zhe ge liao kuo shi jie bu gou wan mei
This wide world is not beautiful enough
Dan you le ni zai wo shen bian shen me dou hen ok
But having you at my side, everything is all okay
Di yi ge xin yuan wei ni ba xing fu dui ji
The first wish is a pile of happiness for you
Tian ya dao hai jiao tou fa dao hu xi
From the edge of the sky till the deepest sea, *the impossible happens*
(* I think this is a figure of speech, literally means the hair breathes)
Di er ge xin yuan gei ni zui hao de zi ji
The second wish, giving you the best of myself
Zai xu ge xin yuan wo de ai ba ni zhan ling
One more given wish is that my love dwells in you
Wei shen me wei le xiao shi jiu yao diao yan lei
Why do you shed your tears just for little things?
Hao xiang you tai duo de shi zhi neng zi ji bei
Looks like there is a lot of problems that you can only bear alone
Qi shi zhi yao ni shuo yi ju ok
But if only you would say one sentence, okay
Xian zai jiu li ke ma shang bian cheng ni de superman
Right now I will immediately change to be your superman
Zhe shi shang zui zhong yao de bu zhi shi shi yan
In this world, the most important thing is not only an oath
Zhi yao ni chang chang ji de qin qin wo de lian
Just want you to remember my face dearly all over again
Wo hui yong yuan ji de zhe ge jin tian
I will forever remember this very day
Hai you hen jiu de na yi tian wo ye yao you ni pei
Still have a long time till that day, I want you to accompany me
Xia yi ge xin yuan gei ni zui hao de zi ji
The next wish, give you the best of myself
FIR- 三个心愿
FIR – san ge xin yuan
Three wishes
Wo xi huan ni de yan shen wen rou you wei xian
I like the look in your eyes, gentle yet dangerous
Qing bu yao dai shang yan jing wo hui kan bu jian
Please don’t wear glasses, I will not be able to see
Xiang yao zhang kai shuang shou ba ni bao bei
Open my hands to hold you, baby
Xiang he ni tian tian jian mian
Want to meet with you everyday
Xiang dai ni huan you shi jie
Want to take you traveling around the world
Wo xi huan ni ai cheng qiang ban ban de xiao lian
I like the way you love to pretend half a smile in your face
Zai xin zhong tai tou ting xiong jian ding de xin nian
Deep at heart holding up a very strong belief
Zhe ge liao kuo shi jie bu gou wan mei
This wide world is not beautiful enough
Dan you le ni zai wo shen bian shen me dou hen ok
But having you at my side, everything is all okay
Di yi ge xin yuan wei ni ba xing fu dui ji
The first wish is a pile of happiness for you
Tian ya dao hai jiao tou fa dao hu xi
From the edge of the sky till the deepest sea, *the impossible happens*
(* I think this is a figure of speech, literally means the hair breathes)
Di er ge xin yuan gei ni zui hao de zi ji
The second wish, giving you the best of myself
Zai xu ge xin yuan wo de ai ba ni zhan ling
One more given wish is that my love dwells in you
Wei shen me wei le xiao shi jiu yao diao yan lei
Why do you shed your tears just for little things?
Hao xiang you tai duo de shi zhi neng zi ji bei
Looks like there is a lot of problems that you can only bear alone
Qi shi zhi yao ni shuo yi ju ok
But if only you would say one sentence, okay
Xian zai jiu li ke ma shang bian cheng ni de superman
Right now I will immediately change to be your superman
Zhe shi shang zui zhong yao de bu zhi shi shi yan
In this world, the most important thing is not only an oath
Zhi yao ni chang chang ji de qin qin wo de lian
Just want you to remember my face dearly all over again
Wo hui yong yuan ji de zhe ge jin tian
I will forever remember this very day
Hai you hen jiu de na yi tian wo ye yao you ni pei
Still have a long time till that day, I want you to accompany me
Xia yi ge xin yuan gei ni zui hao de zi ji
The next wish, give you the best of myself
Monday, October 29, 2007
Gigs and animes
ahhh i went to a gig! it was supah awesome ^__^. so it was like the sketchiest tiniest recording studio somewhere in scarborough and at first i had some doubts and even a bit worried about it but it was one of the greatest experience ever =) so basically you had a bunch of bands (most comprised of asians ^__^) and i guess you would say they are indie bands. and i guess you could also say their style of music is rockish/metal? not so much metal just like..IN BETWEEN SOMEWHERE. if you know what jrock sounds like i would say it sounded something like that (without the visual kei =P) but yah most of the bands were made up of chinese ppl :D but they sang in english for the most part. AND THEY WERE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. just the amount of skill and EVERYTHING (guitar solos, drum solos, bass solos etc). even though it's not really my "type" of music i still really liked it and gosh SO YING/COOL :D and it's really interesting that even though some of the musicians there seemed like.. super rockerish or whatever (based on music or just looks) they're probably just really chill/dorky ppl ^__^ (eg guitarist from spider's kiss.. after the show he was like "LETS GO TO LUN GEI (kenny's noodle)" haha kyuteee.
anyways there was this like band that was not asian with the exception of the drummer and they were really good. i would like to advertise for them aahah their site is www.thepassengersloveyou.com so go check out their stuff =) they ressemble bloc party (quote wendy)
AS WELL i really liked this band because the guitarists were so fobby looking and it was cute that they dressed up nice and started their set off with "hey we're the super duper sunflower boys" (or something like that). they're called spider's kiss and even though some of their songs are a bit too... "loud" for me i like to listen to the musical part of it lol (duh.. salina gosh) THEIR DRUMS WERE SUPAH COOL. <3 their site: www.thespiderskiss.com

anywho this is a picture of them that day of the show. check out what they're wearing =) ahah okay now i feel a bit stalkerish but anyways they were really good! ps LOOK AT THOSE SHADESSS teehee
anyways i hate making really long blogs... i don't know why so i must stop now and i'll blog about my anime later ^__^
anyways there was this like band that was not asian with the exception of the drummer and they were really good. i would like to advertise for them aahah their site is www.thepassengersloveyou.com so go check out their stuff =) they ressemble bloc party (quote wendy)
AS WELL i really liked this band because the guitarists were so fobby looking and it was cute that they dressed up nice and started their set off with "hey we're the super duper sunflower boys" (or something like that). they're called spider's kiss and even though some of their songs are a bit too... "loud" for me i like to listen to the musical part of it lol (duh.. salina gosh) THEIR DRUMS WERE SUPAH COOL. <3 their site: www.thespiderskiss.com

anywho this is a picture of them that day of the show. check out what they're wearing =) ahah okay now i feel a bit stalkerish but anyways they were really good! ps LOOK AT THOSE SHADESSS teehee
anyways i hate making really long blogs... i don't know why so i must stop now and i'll blog about my anime later ^__^
Friday, October 19, 2007
posting at school
gosh i love spares get to do nothinggg. except it's over in 30 minutes but i'm suuuuper bored =( it's kinda sad that i'm bored when i have nothing to do but when i do have work and stuff like that i really hate it. so either way it really sucks haha .. which i guess isn't that funny. i'm glad for fellowship though. i couldn't go last week and it'll be fun to see everyone at church again. i just need a nice break. and i'm hoping i'm still going to the concert on saturday (tomorrow). it's an afc concert and daniel au has free tickets! ^__^ so i get to go for free~ and justis kao is performing haha he was so good during tc!
argggh still being insomniac-ish (not that i want to be). sooo really dead right now. and i still have to stay afterschool for some bio workshop so definitely can't skip that...
i really want to sleeeeeep!(-.-)zZ
ahah and this is the random part. i really want to get a haircut (my hair is way too long) but i don't know how to get it cut! helpz plz =) i had some ideas but not too sure anymore. maybe i'll post some pics later and i know this is really "mo liu" but aha i need some advice..
argggh still being insomniac-ish (not that i want to be). sooo really dead right now. and i still have to stay afterschool for some bio workshop so definitely can't skip that...
i really want to sleeeeeep!(-.-)zZ
ahah and this is the random part. i really want to get a haircut (my hair is way too long) but i don't know how to get it cut! helpz plz =) i had some ideas but not too sure anymore. maybe i'll post some pics later and i know this is really "mo liu" but aha i need some advice..
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I HAVEN'T GIVEN UP/FORGOTTEN ABOUT BLOGGING. i will keep up this blog site!!!! just too busy right now to write super long stuff okay okay okay bye ^_^v
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
HM well that was a pretty interesting weekend. haha so as i said i went to watch the play on friday.. but totally missed it due to washing dishes >_> but you know i guess i really thank God for that experience. yeah sure i missed a really amazing play (from what i hear) but even though washing dishes was sooo terribly tiring it was amazingly fun. All our complaining turned into fun times and it was just all laughs ^__^ haha through washing dishes i've been able to become closer to maureen and gladys <3
and then on saturday was jan's sleepover partay oh man what can i say... cheung k is absolutely one of my favourite hobbies now. too bad i'm the worst singer in the world teehee. we're all starting to memorize the pinyin to songs so we are prepared next time haha i love my azn expeditions (ahah and seeing elena at pmall!!). i'm really glad i'm azn actually.. self-teaching myself chinese wooooot. when i learn more one of my goals will be to write a blog all in chinese .. but that will be a loooong time from now :( PATIENCE hehe
sigh well school is back though and sooo much work. i'm so LOST in all the things that are due. i have to go look at that agenda ><
and then on saturday was jan's sleepover partay oh man what can i say... cheung k is absolutely one of my favourite hobbies now. too bad i'm the worst singer in the world teehee. we're all starting to memorize the pinyin to songs so we are prepared next time haha i love my azn expeditions (ahah and seeing elena at pmall!!). i'm really glad i'm azn actually.. self-teaching myself chinese wooooot. when i learn more one of my goals will be to write a blog all in chinese .. but that will be a loooong time from now :( PATIENCE hehe
sigh well school is back though and sooo much work. i'm so LOST in all the things that are due. i have to go look at that agenda ><

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
waiting for the [long] weekend
Hm so i really should be working right now but i'm stuck on lazy mode... today was really strange. there were modelling auditions at school for our culture show so i decided to try it out just for fun and it was sooo embarassing doing the walk and whatever haha. but anyways this weekend seems awesome!
first i get to see the play "enough?" at church =) <3 it sounds super duper awesome. and then the day after that will be janice's karaoke/sleepover bday partay more <3s going to cheung k ^__^v yah and then there's the work part but i'll worry about that later =) i guess i should go work now then ahah
<3ing weekends
first i get to see the play "enough?" at church =) <3 it sounds super duper awesome. and then the day after that will be janice's karaoke/sleepover bday partay more <3s going to cheung k ^__^v yah and then there's the work part but i'll worry about that later =) i guess i should go work now then ahah
<3ing weekends
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
random thoughts of the day~
WOW okay last attempt to keep up a blog. i keep finding that i need it sometimes and then don't need it some other times so it's like... a really on and off thing... i guess i decided to start this blog because i really needed to get some things out. just anywhere. as long as it's out of my system it's good. SIGH so idunno really today i totally got ignored and left alone cause the girls were interested in that *find the difference* game and i love that they love to game but i wish they dind't have to exclude me in it. they never ask me if i want to play and then i end up sitting out/apart from everyone. and that really doesn't feel too good. it's happened before.. like when J and L were playing mario kart, i was totally sitting there doing absolutely nothing and neither of them offered their turn up. i waited just to see if they would ask me to play. is it wrong to test them like that?
I'm not really sure what i'm doing sometimes. i want to act mad but i can never get myself to exhibit that "mad" mood. i can maybe keep that mood for... 5 minutes and then it gets weird. idunno i wish things weren't so complicated. i mean would it be easier if i didn't care at all. and these are such simple things too. Am i expecting too much from my friends... and then being let down? that always happens doesn't it. wishing things were one way and then when it isn't, you just get all upset. i wish i had someone i could rant all this too but instead i'm letting this all out in a blog. which is kinda sad. and i guess that's it... not the best day but hope it gets better.
yah i'm sure God has something better in store for me. i just have to "get through the rain to see the rainbow" or however that saying goes....
I'm not really sure what i'm doing sometimes. i want to act mad but i can never get myself to exhibit that "mad" mood. i can maybe keep that mood for... 5 minutes and then it gets weird. idunno i wish things weren't so complicated. i mean would it be easier if i didn't care at all. and these are such simple things too. Am i expecting too much from my friends... and then being let down? that always happens doesn't it. wishing things were one way and then when it isn't, you just get all upset. i wish i had someone i could rant all this too but instead i'm letting this all out in a blog. which is kinda sad. and i guess that's it... not the best day but hope it gets better.
yah i'm sure God has something better in store for me. i just have to "get through the rain to see the rainbow" or however that saying goes....
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