Tuesday, August 23, 2011

yummy food

I remember when i was younger and we were asked what our favourite food was I would always say icecream. Actually not even when i was younger. even now haha because i panic and can't think fast enough. but today i am eating two of my favourite foods! One of them is chicken wings! I love chicken wings.. in almost all the ways you can prepare them.. bake, pan-fry, deep fry, etc i guess it depends on the sauce but in general any kind of chicken wings i will love! The other thing i'm eating right now is EGGPLANT, i'm pretty sure growing up i did not want to eat eggplant but one day in first year i somehow tried eggplant. i'm not sure if i tasted a friend's dish which had eggplant or if i saw it and i thought it looked good so i got it but i remember i really loved the eggplant from the dc building and always wanted it and would also just buy the eggplant on its own. so yummy!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


yay blog again :) so im sitting on some grass now as i write and the weather is wonderful and so goood and i'm listening to this song by Hillsong United which i first heard at the hillsong concert I went to the past saturday. side note: i sat on something and it really hurt so i got up and not im squatting now but the pain is still there haha :( okay anyways i learnt this song called oh you bring and i really like it :D but that's not the song i want to talk about... haha another song i heard was called "take heart" and they played it in conjunction with one of my favourite verses:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

This was just such a beautiful reminder that Christ has overcome this world, He has overcome death, He has OVERCOMEEEE. and if i put my hope in Him and He is one that has overcome this world, what things in this world do I worry about if i lift my burdens up to Him and He has me in His hands that holds all things together. I pray I continue to put my faith into Jesus for He is amaaazing. All honour, glory, and praise to Him.

Anyways.. what's been up recently.. not too much really but ive been able to enjoy some wonderful time with some guuurls, been working, finally played some vball again though i have gotten sooo much worse, and i'm kinda looking forward to school. i miss that atmosphere haha. gosh summer has been so goooood in retrospect despite some rougher patches. i'm really enjoying my moment here outdoors right now haha kinda wish i could just always have moments like these where i don't have to worry about anything haha but i know there is work to be done!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

update !

So long time no blog >< BUT things have been EHHH =\ struggling with a lot of things but i think the beauty is that despite my lack of reliance on God, He's still there and He still hears me and He still loves me and He knows my heart and my struggles and He provides!! A lot of things I was upset at but I feel lk so many things got "resolved" or answered and it was like all at once haha and greatly greatly encouraged yesterday by a SISTER in Christ, which was soooo timely and WONDERFUL. Pray that I can learn to really rely on Him only and to really experience what it means for God to be ENOUGH!

other than that work has been interesting!! dealing with 105 MB excel files, taking pictures of people in the office (FOR WORK PURPOSES)! still gotta clean my room and i'm looking forward to going back to school!